We strive to empower our tribal members through committees to give them voices to be heard and help lead McGrath Native Village Council into the future.
Betty Magnuson
Kimberly Wortman
Kimberly Wortman
Ering Norback
Debbie Hartman
Sandra Gochenhauer
Roaslie Eagress
Hope Collins
Alexandra (Zan) Lyman
Debbie Hartman
Melody Magnuson Strick
Kimberly Wortman
Sharena McKindy
Sandra Gochenhauer
Betty Magnuson
Amy Chisholm
Erin Norback
Kimberly Wortman
Melody Strick
Debbie Hartman
Lucy Miller
Naomi Norback
Jennifer Paterson
Sharon McKindy
MNVC IGAP Coordinator
Debbie Hartman
Council Member
Sandra Gochenauer
Council Member
Alice Dale
Sandra Gochenhauer
Billy Vanborg
Kimberly Wortman
Alice Dale
Melody Strick
Lucy Miller
Erin Norback
Sharena McKindy
Alice Dale
Betty Magnuson
Kimberly Wortman
Betty Magnuson
Fancis Mitchell
Bob Sattler (TCC)
Joe Petruska
Sandra Gochenhauer
Erin Norback
Melody Strick
Council Member
Alice Dale
Council Member
Lucy Miller
Committee Member
Naomi Norback
Committee Member